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Showing posts from March 1, 2015


There seems to be no rhyme to Vice President Mphoko’s madness. After reading his abominable utterances about Gukurahundi in the interview he gave to Sunday Mail, I was left dejected just like many millions of Zimbabweans who had expected much from a ‘fresh’ mind within the presidium. But nay, the man is just like a beeline of bootlickers and sympathisers of the system. Given the “vast” business empire that he is said to run, he is one of the beneficiaries of the patronage machinery. The interview is so revealing.Mphoko has chosen to be a well fed slave than a hungry free man as the Legend of reggae Lucky Dube would put it. A modern day slave is not one with a goering on his neck. It’s one who sings for his super. One who is mentally beholden to someone, one who sings the song of the slave master. This forms part of the curricular vitae of the new VP as he announced his entrance on the political arena. Many a time since his swearing in, the VP has made damaging remarks be about vend