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Showing posts from October, 2009


To honestly think that SADC or the AU can bring an end to the deadlock in inclusive government will be a lie.What these organisations lack are selfless leaders who do not have parochial interests.For example the new SADC chairman  the inept and youthful Kabila is indebted to Mugabe very much.He has a loyal obligation to fulfil by remaining less critical to Mugabe.His late father and himself have Mugabe to thank for their continued plutocratic rule in the DRC.Mugabe has foresight in 1998 when he sent our troops there and what Joseph can do is to pay the loyalty and support back.For comments and alterations please you are free to leave your comments.


 ZANU PF’s plutocratic rule many thought, was the main prognosis of the ailing Zimbabwean economy. This assertion was somehow true but with the coming into effect of the inclusive government, the MDC, many, thought was yet to challenge and reverses this anomaly. But were the parties going to stick to the provisions of the GPA? Was ZANU PF’s terror campaign coming to an end? Only time was going to tell. However this did not turn out to be the case because hardly a month after the deal, Jestina Mukoko was abducted by state agents from her Norton home only to later appear in court later in December even if the state had denied having abducted her .This was to injure and cripple the new marriage. Several journalists were also arrested further enlarging the dent on the agreement When the inclusive government was formed in February 2009,many anticipated media reforms, the return of the rule of law and new legislation as agreed when the GPA was signed. People’s hopes were never high like t


How can the MDC say that Gono and Tomana are really the outstanding issues in the inclusive government?What the MDC should do is shift its focus from such parochial sentiments and focus on rather important issues such as the Constitution making process..The removal of these two wont get them into power as long as Mugabe's powers remain intact.The new constitution which in my own view will seek to reduce Mugabe's powers and bring the much needed reforms in justice and defence will surely create a conducive environment for free and fair elections.Gono and Tomana might go but this wont guarantee reforms and the much needed reforms.