Thursday, October 29, 2009
How can the MDC say that Gono and Tomana are really the outstanding issues in the inclusive government?What the MDC should do is shift its focus from such parochial sentiments and focus on rather important issues such as the Constitution making process..The removal of these two wont get them into power as long as Mugabe's powers remain intact.The new constitution which in my own view will seek to reduce Mugabe's powers and bring the much needed reforms in justice and defence will surely create a conducive environment for free and fair elections.Gono and Tomana might go but this wont guarantee reforms and the much needed reforms.
SADC and the ever-changing faces of Authoritarianism in Africa
By Rawlings Magede Modern day SADC continues to face unpredictable threats owing to the ever-changing landscape within Africa’s fragile de...
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When Traitors celebrate Lieutenant General Joseph Arthur Ankrah led the coup against Kwame Nkrumah in early 1966 while he was away in Viet...
By Rawlings Magede China’s international resource push began in earnest in 1999, when it’s Going Global Strategy liberalized investment p...