Monday, November 16, 2009
When the MDC was formed in 1999 it
received unflinching support from supporters who were frustrated by Mugabe's
rule characterised by human rights abuses,looming poverty and the absence of
the rule of law.This was an opportune time for people to voice out their
concerns through a swift and democratic vehicle called the MDC.The MDC became
such a formidable force to reckon with through extolling efforts and support
from its supporters.Tsvangirai did not rise to power simply because he had
any political clout but because the people were frustrated by void and null
promises made by Mugabe that have not been fulfilled after independence.The
inclusive government has offered the MDC a platform where they can
fulfill their democratic struggle of improving the lives of many people who
have sufferered political and economic neglect by the self enriching regime
of Mugabe and his cronies.Pulling out of the inclusive govenrment is an
ill-advised step and a gaffe.Morgan Tsvangirai was harangued by some of his
members at their party's 10th annivessary who wanted the MDC to pull out of
the Inclusive government.The MDC must realise that this is an opportunity
that comes once in a lifetime especially when dealing with ZANU PF which
carefully calculates its every move.There is need for a paradigm shift in
MDC's "tactics and strategies" this time when dealing with ZANU
PF.MDC's main prognosis has been its failure to speak in harmony and
with one voice.ZANU PF has identified the Achilles Heel of the MDC and has capitalised
on it.Whenever there is unneccessary confusion within the MDC camp ZANU PF
apologists and loyalists always take a scorn on MDC.What the MDC needs right
now is to get its house in order and revert back to its old self where it was
tough,thorough and informed.The people of Zimbabwe are pinning their hopes on
MDC if a democratic,peaceful and free Zimbabwe is to be achieved.This is also
their time to represent the people,speak for the people and act for the
people.Pulling out of the deal is a slap in the face to the people of
Zimbabwe and really shows a lack of foresight coupled by tunnel vision.They
must put structures in place in their party so that whenever they release
statements they wont be any contradiction among themselves.The people who
have suffererd torment,hunger,violence death and abductions are waiting on
the MDC to take them out of these dire conditions that have stood
firmly against them for 29 years
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